I have waited for so long to find myself not in the deep depression and hole I fell into when my Boys died...
Today, Oct.6th 2006, made it eight
long years since I lost the first of my
two boys, my son ^Kurt^.
(In 16 more days it will be my son
^Kevin^s 36th birthday...)
My life changed so much eight years ago,
In ways no human should ever have to
live through...
Many things have come since that day
8 years ago,Friendships,blessings,
life and of course death too.
Our family is changed in so many ways
but our values are back on track.
We now know our lives belong to Jesus
and his followers.Blaming them as we
did in the beginning was something
we did as a reaction, Not a belief...
We now know how special the boys were then and still are and Always will be...
They just reside with Jesus now and
we have faith He will keep them safe
until our arrival. I feel them both with me
so much of the time,daily I can "feel"
them, or else in songs, events and things
that just bring them to my minds front everyday...Sometimes, something will happen to bring me to different parts of
their lives opening a floodgate of
memories of them both.
My life is now centered around my
grandson and his sister and brother,
I am blessed to have them in my life.
Their Mom is my best friend and I am
lucky my son chose her for his lifes love...
As I said earlier this (10/6/98) is my son Kurts 8th Heaven date and in 6 months
from now (4/20/07) will mark my son
Kevins 8th Heaven date and I know that both of my boys are safe at "home" with Jesus and they are waiting for me...
I wrote this poem in memory of my two
boys and would like to share it with
you all...
"The Miracle Of Boys"
Oh lucky me,
I had two beautiful boys.
Oh lucky me,
They were like my own toys.
Oh lucky me,
How they loved to be near.
Oh lucky me,
They grew and grew.
Oh lucky me,
They were both mine.
Oh lucky me,
They loved each other so.
Oh lucky me,
They were different as night and day.
Oh lucky me,
It made them more special.
Oh lucky me,
We formed a tight bond.
Oh lucky me,
We all became one.
Oh lucky me,
We shared so much.
Oh lucky me,
We was blessed so much.
Oh Unlucky me,
They are both gone now.
Oh lucky me,
They are with our Lord Jesus now .
Oh lucky me,
They watch over me now.
Oh unlucky me,
I never see their smiles.
Oh lucky me,
I miss them so.
Oh lucky me,
For knowing and loving them so.
In Loving Memory Of My Sons
Kevin And Kurt
My Two Great and Loving Boys.
I am and will forever be so proud
to be their Mom.