The idea of having a day for children to honor their fathers began in Spokane,Washington.
Sonora Smart Dodd was listening to a sermon for Mothers Day in 1909 and she thought there should also be a day for Fathers.
Having been raised by her father, Henry Jackson Smart,
after her Mother died, Sonora wanted her father to know how special he was to her... She thought him to be a courageous, selfless, and loving man who made all the parental sacrifices.
Sonor's father was born in June,So she chose to hold the first Fathers Day celebration on June 19,1910.
In 1926 a national Fathers Day commitee was formed in N.Y.C.
Fathers Day was recognized by a Joint Resolution of Congress in 1956.
In 1972 president Richard Nixon established a permanent national observance of Fathers Day to be held on the third Sunday of June.
"Gods Eternal Love"
I watched you blossom as you were born,
As I watched you die, My heart was torn!
A child is a gift that God does give,
A joy to behold, A reason to live!
When your baby leaves,after only a short while,
You find it hard to laugh, or even crack a smile !
First we are numb and just can't believe,
Then reality hits and we start to grieve.
Now I know, deep down inside,
When I think of you, it's only with pride.
For although you at such a young age,
You weren't meant for earths tough cage !
A heart so gentle, beat within your chest,
You deserved to be with only the best !
So now your loss still brings a tear,
But desath is something I do not fear.
Passing away is just not an ending,
It's a return of what was heavenly lending.
Someday we will be together again,
Of that I am very sure,
Sharing in Gods eternal love that is so very pure !
Written by Dan Bryl
Dedicated in memory of his
Beautiful Angel Jessica Lyn Bryl
A Fathers Love Sent To Heaven Above
"A Dad Hurts Too"
People don't always see the tears a Dad cries,
His heart is broken too when his child dies...
He tries to hold it together and be strong,
Even though his world's gone wrong,
He holds his wife as her tears fall,
Comforts herthrough it all.
He goes through his day doing what he's supposed to do,
But a piece of his heart has been ripped awy ,
A Dad Hurts To...
So when he's alone he lets out his pain,
And his tears come down like falling rain...
His world has crashed in around him,
And a world that was once bright has gone dim,
He feels he has to be strong for others,
But Dads Hurt To, Not just the Mothers...
He searches for answers
But none will be found,
He hides behind a mask
when he is feeling down,
He smiles through his tears,
He struggles and holds in his fears.
But what you see on the outside
is not always real,
Men don't always show
how they really feel...
So i'de like to ask a favor of you,
Next time you see a Mom
hurting the loss of her child,
please remember
A Dad is hurting too.
Juid Walker
Dedicated to my husband Mike
and All Dads who have lost a child
"It Takes More Than Blood"
It takes more than blood to be a Dad,
Oh this is surely a proven fact.
I've seen men give their heart to a child,
Never once think of taking it back.
A Dad is the one who is always there,
He protects a child from all harm.
He gives a child the assurance that he
will be their anchor in any storm.
A real Dad is a man that teaches his child
all the things in life he needs to know.
He's the tower of strength a child leans on.
The source of love that helps them grow.
These are men that children call Daddy.
Oh, he is their shelter when it rains.
He showers them with unconditional love,
As if it were his blood in their veins.
Whenever you meet a dad that redefines the word,
honor him with all the respect that is due.
Understand that he proudly wears this banner...
Because his heart is big enough for you.
It's sad but true that not all men understand
it takes more than blood to be a Dad.
Someday if they wake up to their empty life...
They shall miss what they could have had.
To those men who will never be a Dad...
No matter what they say or do,
It takes more than blood to possess that title...
And it's only found in a man like you.
Thank You ((((Kaye))))
Author Kaye DesOrmeaux
From her book
"Whispers From Heaven"
"I'll Always Be Your Dad"
By Alan Pedersen
Years have come and gone and time has surely drifted by
I've searched for any answer yet I'm left to wonder why
The only thing I know for sure through the happy and the sad
No matter what the circumstance I will always be your Dad
Not a day goes by that I don't hold you in my heart
My love reaches far beyond this space we are apart
These empty arms remember all the good times that we had
I may be standing here alone but I will always be your Dad
Some won't understand so I don't bother to explain
They look into my eyes but they can only see the pain
Afraid to look too deep as they are blinded by the fear
If only they could know a father's love won't disappear
So when this road gets lonely and the journey seems too hard
And I get to feeling sorry that I didn't get a card
If I close my eyes I can almost hear you say
I love you and I miss you Daddy... Happy Father's Day