Life Without You
(The Story Of Kevin And Kurt)
I thought my life was complete,
But That Was Before You...
You touched my heart
and walked on my feet,
That's what little children do...
I watched you grow into a man,
T'was a blessing for me to see...
You fell right into Gods plan,
And was everything you could be...
I thought when my Kevin was born,
I had surely received It All...
You brightened my life every morn,
And lifted me up when I'd fall...
Kurt came along and I smiled more,
Kevin was just barely eight...
I didn't know such
happiness existed before,
But also I'd never known fate...
Both of my precious sons were gone,
How was I to live through it?
They went to Heaven
and left me alone...
I didn't know how I was to do it...
Then one day the answer was plain,
I knew then what I had to do...
I Let My Boys Soar With The Angels,
Oh Tho' It Caused Me Pain,
And Now I'd Learn To Face Life Without You.
"Dedicated to my dear friend
Pat McDougle
In Loving Memory Of Her Sons
Kevin and Kurt
Copyright;Kaye DesOrmeaux"...
"Thank You My Dear Friend (((((Kaye)))))
For this Beautiful Poem In Loving Memory Of My Sons
Kevin  &  Kurt"
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I lost both of my dear sons only 6 months apart...
The following poem was said at both my boys funerals,
And I would like to share it with you all now...

"Remember Me"

To the living, I am gone...
To the sorrowful, I will never return...
To the angry, I was cheated...
BUT, To The Happy, I am at peace...
To the faithful, I have never left...
Talk to me, and I will hear...
Your prayers , They comfort me...
Your laughter makes me laugh...
But please don't weep for me,
As I now have my reward,
I am with the Father,
He will never let me perish...
The lord comforts me, and longs to comfort you...
So be happy my family, and do not dispair,
I am in good hands you see,
Waiting for the day when the Lord calls you,
To come home with me.
Kevin & Kurt
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